Christmas Tree Collar Ideas

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If you’re tiered of using a Christmas tree skirt and want an upgrade you are in good company. Ditch the tree skirt for a sturdy and attractive Christmas tree collar instead.

A Christmas tree collar is a great way to upgrade your tree. Once your tree is gorgeous and gloriously decorated it’s easy to forget about the bottom of the tree, but this space is important as well. Think of getting all dolled up for an evening out and leaving home without your shoes or wearing tennis shoes with your evening dress. No thanks. Think how your poor tree must feel.

Dressing the foot of the tree is just as important as the rest of it…maybe even more important. The Christmas tree skirt has been around a long time…too long for some and thus the Christmas tree collar was born! If the tree skirt feels a little old-fashioned to you then the Christmas tree collar might be what you are looking for.

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collage of christmas tree collar

What is a Christmas Tree Collar?

You have probably seen woven or metal stands around the base of Christmas trees on Pinterest or Instagram and wondered what they might be and where you can get one for your tree (more on that later).

Just like a collar on a shirt goes around your neck; a Christmas tree collar wraps around the base of your tree to hide the tree stand. The collar is like a choker for your tree. A decorative finishing touch to your overall look and design.

A tree skirt and collar serve the same purpose – to cover ugly tree stands, but now with the “invention” of the collar you have an alternative. You can select either a skirt or a collar based on your style and overall design. The tree skirt was invented in 1879 to hide the ugly base of the Christmas tree stand and has been around a long time.

I love the tree collar on my blue velvet ribbon tree in our sitting room. It offers a clean, streamlined appearance and it stays put while a tree skirt can be a little finicky although I use both the skirt and the collar on trees in our home.

Christmas tree in living room with blue bows, ornaments and Christmas tree collar
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Who Invented the Christmas Tree Collar?

Well…not sure anyone necessarily “invented” it and doubt it has a patent, but several years ago home decor enthusiast were tiered of the tree skirt and wanted a more modern, decorative solution for the base of their tree. They began putting their tress in baskets and cutting off the base of galvanized buckets to create a “collar” for their tree.

Large companies caught on and began manufacturing the tree collar for an easy alternative to a tree skirt. No more DIY cutting the bases from baskets and buckets. Sure makes life easier now that we have many styles and designs to chose from right off the shelf.

Family room with white brick fireplace, tall lit Christmas tree and Christmas tree collar

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Tree Collar vs. Tree Skirt

Now this post is not to pick on tree skirts or make them feel less important. The collar and the skirt have the same purpose of covering the ugly base of your tree. Both will provide that coverage. A skirt is like a blanket that will spread out for your presents to be placed on. The collar also covers the ugly tree base but has a more structured design. You usually use one or the other on one tree. If you have multiple trees in your home you could use the collar on one and the tree skirt on another.

Small Christmas tree with bead garland and soft blue bows
Small Christmas tree with bead garland and soft blue bows

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How to Select a Christmas Tree Collar

Selecting a Christmas tree collar is based on personal preference, the size of your tree and your storage options. When tree collars first hit the shelves styles were more limited but now we have a lot of options that work best for you, your tree and your access to storage.

Christmas tree collar with Christmas tree and presents

Source: Target Christmas Tree Collar

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Ring Collar

This is the most common type of Christmas tree collar and are in abundance (if you purchase one early enough). A ring collar comes in a specific size that cannot be adjusted; it is a fixed piece. There are different size ring collars making it easy to select one that will fit your tree. If you have an artificial tree or use the same size fresh tree every year, then a fixed ring collar should be just fine. If you decide to go with a different size tree you might need to consider a new collar. Since a ring collar is one piece it can be more difficult to store as it does not break down. This is something to consider if your storage space is small.

Christmas tree in living room with blue bows, ornaments and Christmas tree collar

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Hinged Collars: 

The hinged collars, like this metal one, can open up and wrap around the tree stand. Because of the two hinges on the collar it makes it easy to wrap around a real tree and allow access for watering the tree. The versatile design fits with any size or shape tree. The collars that come in two pieces, like this woven one here, have dual detachable pieces with a mechanism to lock in place. It is also collapsible for convenient storage.

brass Christmas tree collar

Source: Brass Hammered Tree Collar

Square Collars:

A square collar is usually constructed of wood and are not as common as ring style. But because Christmas trees are “round,” a square collar fits a little more awkwardly around the base of the tree, and arranging presents around it can be a challenge.

Collar Sizing:

Just like shirt collars come in different sizes so do tree collars. This isn’t a one size fits all solution. I used to think that until I purchased my first tree collar and realized it was too small for my tree. You think it would be common sense, but…well. It didn’t cross my mind about sizing.

To ensure you get the right size you need to measure the tree stand completely. The stand must rest securely inside of the collar and the collar needs to be tall enough to conceal the stand.

While initially collars were a solid ring; now they are making collars that come in pieces and attach to each other making it easier for storage like the one shown below.

Christmas Tree Collar Ideas

Now let’s get on to the good stuff. A bunch of Christmas tree collars for you to chose from. Christmas tree collars come in a variety of materials, wood, metal, fabric, woven and I’ve got them listed here for you!

The woven or basket type material are my favorite so far, bur that might change at some point. There are so many different styles and ideas to chose from.

Woven Christmas Tree Collars (click image below to go to product listing):

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Metal Christmas Tree Collars (click image below to go to product listing):

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Fabric Christmas Tree Collars (click image below to go to product listing):

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Wood Christmas Tree Collars (click image below to go to product listing):

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Hope this was helpful as you search for the perfect tree collar. Thankfully, as of today, these are still in stock, but don’t want too long to purchase one.

christmas tree collar collage

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Christmas Tree Collar Ideas

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